Author: Scarlet Dominik

Blue OriginEast CoastNew SpaceNews and UpdatesPolicySpaceXULA

Blue Origin, SpaceX, ULA Selected for National Security Missions

In an announcement on June 13th, SpaceX, United Launch Alliance, and Blue Origin were selected for the Department of Defense’s National Security Space Launch (NSSL) Phase 3 program. All three providers are now eligible to compete for a series of 30+ launches, with a combined value of $5.6 billion.

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ArtemisInternationalNASANews and UpdatesPlanetary SciencePolicyScience Missions

A Shake Up For Mars Sample Return

On April 15th 2024, NASA hosted a media teleconference giving updates on the current status of the agency’s Mars Sample Return (MSR) mission. MSR is a vital step in providing high fidelity environmental data which could dramatically inform the technology and methodology for a planned human mission to the Red Planet.

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InternationalJapanLast Week In SpaceflightNews and UpdatesPlanetary Science

Japan Becomes Fifth Nation to Land on the Moon

On January 19th 2024, JAXA’s Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) successfully touched down on the surface of the Moon. This makes Japan the fifth nation in history to conduct a successful soft landing on the surface of the Moon, following Russia, the United States, China, and India.

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